Finding us
Weydon School, Weydon Lane, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8UG
10.00 am (arrive 9.45am for coffee and to register your kids)
You can park in the Weydon School car park and enter via the main entrance and our welcome team will greet you.
Our Sunday meetings are relaxed, informal and relevant. We worship God together and apply the truth of the Bible to life.
We want visitors of all ages to feel welcome and comfortable. Come early or stay at the end for refreshments and the opportunity to meet people. We provide fun and engaging children’s groups and a safe and stimulating environment for babies and toddlers during our morning meetings. We love our young people to feel part of Jubilee too – they add so much to our services!
If you have any questions about Jubilee, or what to expect when you visit, contact us or look at the FAQs below.
Hope to see you soon.
What time should I arrive?
The service starts at 10.00am. Arriving at 9.45am gives you time to have a tea or coffee, register children in to kids work, and grab some time to chat to someone on the welcome team.
What will happen?
One of the leaders will start the service and the band will lead a time of worship. Words for songs are projected onto a screen and you can stand up or sit down whenever you like. After worshipping God, there are a few notices and news items about what’s going and then one of the leaders will preach from the Bible. After the sermon we often have time to respond to God in prayer.
When will the service end?
11.45am, 12 noon at the latest.
Can I bring children?
Yes. There are load of kids at Jubilee and they are very welcome. They register on arrival and go to their age-specific groups around 10.30am. They will love it!
Can I leave half way through if I feel uncomfortable?
We hope this won’t happen but if you feel uncomfortable, you can leave at any time.
What should I wear?
There is no dress code or ‘Sunday best’. Just come as you are and wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.
Will I be the ‘odd one out’?
No. There are people in Jubilee Church from every type of background, walks of life and from many nationalities. We make a big effort to welcome, be gracious and kind to everyone… because that is the kind of love that God has shown us.
Can I come if I am not a Christian, or even a very nice person?
Yes. We welcome people from all walks of life. Jesus came to find people who didn’t know Him and to welcome them. We want to reflect the same heart in our services. Whether you know Jesus or not, you will be very welcome at Jubilee Church. There are all kinds of people at Jubilee and each of us are at different stages on this journey called life! We are all work in progress – the only people you will not find at Jubilee are perfect people!
Will I be expected to do anything or give any money?
We want you to enjoy our services and feel welcomed. You are free to participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. We have lively and contemporary worship and you are entirely free to join in or to sit more quietly. There is no expectation on any of our visitors. We do take an offering during worship and those that wish to give are free to do so. Again there is no expectation or compulsion to give!