This term many churches in Farnham are running Alpha together.
For more information
click below.
Alpha is a great way to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over ten, thought-provoking weekly sessions.
The meeting usually starts with a meal, followed by a talk (either a speaker or a video presentation) and then there is an opportunity, in small groups, to discuss your thoughts and questions.
Who is Alpha for?
Alpha is for everyone; no question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you wish. We don’t assume any background knowledge of or belief in Christianity and everyone is welcome.
What is Alpha?
Alpha is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in an informal, fun and friendly environment. The Alpha course consists of a series of talks, looking at topics including ‘Who is Jesus?’ and ‘Why and how do I pray?’, with the option of a weekend away. We meet for supper and each talk is followed by discussion in small groups.
Alpha runs for ten weeks. You don’t have to come to the whole course – just pop along for the first night and see what you think. No pressure.
If you’d like more information email us at alpha@jubilee.church
Some testimonials…
“I believe the Alpha Course touches lives. I have seen so many people find a personal relationship with God & a quiet strength in their life after doing the course – me included – and it takes a proud man to say he never needs any help. Alpha is a non pressured, and fun course, and it shows us how Christianity can be relevant and empowering to our lives. I’ve seen Alpha touch so many people over the years. I’ve seen it encourage people to find a very simple faith.” Bear Grylls, TV Adventurer
“I fell in love with the whole concept. It is a fantastic tool, which gives me an ability to ask questions, learn a lot more and discuss it all with different people.” Ugo Monye, England Rugby International