Our Mission
To build a diverse church of 600 world changing disciples in order to glorify God and make Him known to the world.
We have a big vision….
TO GO: We want to see all the church go and share the good news of Jesus Christ with thousands of residents in our area. We want to send many across the nation and the nations on short-term and longer-term missions.
TO GATHER: We want to be a community where everyone can belong. A vibrant, healthy community gathering all generations, socio economic groups and many nationalities. A healing community that includes the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated and the confused. A place where they can find love, acceptance, help, hope, forgiveness, guidance, encouragement and purpose.
TO GROW: We want to see members grow into world changing disciples of Jesus. We want to see children, young people and adults develop into spiritual maturity, living out purposeful lives. We want to see every believer baptised and seeking to apply Biblical truth to real life situations and relationships and be full of God’s Spirit.
TO GIVE: We want to see members give themselves in the service of others. We want to become a resource centre that provides teaching, training, coaching and counselling and serve the churches in our area. We want to be ‘salt and light’ in our community, as agents of positive change providing care for the vulnerable.
TO GLORIFY: We want to see our services and gatherings full of thankful, vibrant, joyful praise and worship and passionate prayer that glorifies our Heavenly Father.
Why not come and join the adventure?