Churches in Farnham and the surrounding area have come together to invite friends and neighbours to a series of special thought provoking and inspiring events.
Today most people assume our modern values are obvious, universal and important. We balk at injustice, inequality, coercion, cruelty. We can feel frustrated at anti-science backward restrictive attitudes. We want to stand up for equality, compassion, consent, freedom, progress, and we value education. These things matter – but why? And how did we come to believe these values are so obviously right?
We warmly invite you to explore these themes with our special guest speaker Glen Scrivener who will help show how it was the revolutionary teaching of Jesus that shaped our culture and continues to make sense of the values we hold dear.
Glen is an international speaker, filmmaker, and director of the charity Speak Life. Glen will be at most events as our keynote speaker and is an informed, interesting, creative communicator and brings a fascinating and thought provoking perspective.